UVNR has been actively building and expanding institutional partnerships to ensure that Albuquerque becomes a truly welcoming and supportive home for newcomers. Our staff regularly participates in community meetings and events, collaborating with nonprofit organizations, local government agencies, and other key stakeholders who work with newcomers across New Mexico. These collaborations aim to improve service delivery and enhance the overall quality of life for refugee and immigrant communities.
With the support of the Con Alma Health Foundation, UVNR is leading a strategic systems-change effort to improve language access for refugees in Central New Mexico, focusing on two key institutions: Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) and University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH). This initiative is designed to address critical gaps in language services and reduce health and educational disparities by:
These policy and practice changes were directly identified as priorities by refugee families and community leaders, highlighting their urgency in addressing disparities in health care and education. Through partnerships, leadership development, and strategic advocacy, UVNR is committed to driving long-lasting improvements that reflect the needs and voices of the newcomer communities we serve.
Review our policy briefs on these topic areas: