About Us

United Voices for Newcomer Rights (UVNR) is a community-led organization that was founded in 2015 by refugee/newcomer families, UNM students and community advocates. UVNR works to improve the lives of newcomers (refugees, asylum seekers or other immigrants) by addressing both immediate needs as well as longer-term systemic change. Todo this effectively, we believe in working with refugee/immigrant community leaders and building the capacity of local communities to address issues concerning them.

UVNR works towards social justice, racial equity and inclusion, leadership development, and policy and system change that promotes the well-being of newcomers, while also providing direct services that address newcomers’ urgent needs, and facilitate their engagement in their communities and in social change efforts. Recognizing the commonalities in resettlement challenges, UVNR uses the inclusive, non-stigmatized term “newcomers” to encompass refugees, immigrants, asylum-seekers and other migrant groups to emphasize the importance of building solidarity among these groups.


We cultivate educational, economic, cultural, social, and physical and mental health resources in partnership with newcomers (refugees, immigrants, asylum-seekers, and others who are new to the United States) to empower them to achieve system change that supports their well-being and integration in their new communities.


We envision New Mexico leading the country in effective refugee resettlement and immigration policies and programs, which humanely support newcomers when they first arrive, build on and learn from the strengths that newcomers bring, and promote newcomer well-being and civic engagement in order to work towards a world where all individuals, families, and communities are able to reach their fullest potential.

We do this by: